Rule of the heart:
Self encouragement − internal reinforcement
As a busy woman, you’re probably swept away by the daily routine: work, chores, children. Another concern during pregnancy is the concern for yourself and for the fetus growing in your womb.
It is important that you don't take all these things for granted. It’s also important to pause between the chores and take some energy boosters (things that make you feel good).
When you feel good and are happy, you are more available in your environment (family and friends).
During pregnancy it is important that you encourage yourself even more. Pregnancy is the first step towards your motherhood. When the children arrive, many mothers tend to forget themselves and/or put themselves in last place. Be sure to adopt the approach of encouraging yourself during your pregnancy, so it will become part of you. That way you are more likely to continue with it even after childbirth.
A pause in this endless rat race allows you to relax and fill your lungs with the proverbial air. It gives you an energy boost to keep on going in this busy life. It shall fill your life with a powerful feeling.
My happy-things list
Reward yourself
Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.
~George M. Adams (U.S. Representative)