Make a photo album


Set up a photo album covering your pregnancy.

You can include pictures of your bump, but also other pictures of things that went on in your life during this time.

Don’t leave out the difficult things, but focus on the positive as you write down notes and comments alongside the pictures.

Here are some tools that can help you create your album:

  • PhotosArtist-Vertige – With new effects, the software allows you to make photo albums, montage photos and unique and beautiful scrapbooks for your pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy Journal – Stylish pregnancy journal from Shutterfly, with 30 idea pages to tell the story of your pregnancy from announcing you are pregnanct to choosing a name to the birth of your new baby.
  • Boots Photobooks – Simple way to add a professional flair to your digital photos; can be bound to keep as a coffee table book or as a gift.
  • Belly Scrapbook App – Lets you keep track of everything that’s happening to you and your baby, with over 1000 graphic objects to personalize your photos.
  • Kidlee – The baby book and family journal for busy parents; lets you capture moments with quick notes and photos that you can share with family and friends; also lets you print your timeline and photos anytime.
  • Printstagram – Lets you print your Instagram photos in a special little book. The photos are orinted back to back on cardstock with a glossy photo-finish.
  • Keepsy – Turns your photos into pocketbooks, coffee table books, calendars, and more.

Are You Pregnant and Feeling Stressed About your Upcoming Birth? 

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